LCA facts

LCA fact - the Nitrogen issue

Written by Luc Plancke | July 30, 2024

LCA FACTS to fuel the NITROGEN debate!

In Belgium, in particular in Flanders the Nitrogen debate is paralysing the government as parties representing different interest groups are polarising this environmental issue and making it the battle of Farmers vs. Industry.

People are left clueless on the topic as well as why we should limit our nitrogen emissions.
As LCA specialists we would like to shed some light on the topic. Nitrogen is emitted by the farming activities as Ammonia NH4 and as NO, by the industry. Let's just compare the impact of those 2 emissions on our environment.


At ENPERAS we believe that there should be a future for all of us and we would like to list 7 good reasons to reduce our Nitrogen emissions:

Acidification - Acid depositions have negative impacts on natural ecosystems, both emissions contribute to this degradation, but NHA is 3 times worse than NOx. 

Particulate Matter - Accounts for the adverse human health effects through fine dust, both emissions contribute to this degradation, but NH4 is 10 times worse than NOx.

Photochemical Ozone Formation - Smog formation, only NOx contributes to this degradation.

Eutrophication: Terrestrial - Over-fertilization of soil leading to a loss in biodiversity, both emissions contribute to this degradation but NH, is 3 times worse than NOx.

Human Tox: Non-cancer - Non carcinogenic human toxic effect, only NH4 contributes to this degradation.

Eutrophication: Marine - Over-fertilization of marine water leads to a loss in biodiversity, both emissions contribute to this degradation to a similar extend.

Eco-Tox: Freshwater - The negative impact on fresh water eco-systems, only NH4 contributes to this degradation.

Governance on the topic is required!

If you would like to calculate the Nitrogen impact & carbon footprint of your activity or production we can provide you with Life Cycle Assessment through our SaaS LCA Quadrant Tool or LCA consultancy!

Are you interested in our LCA services and booking a FREE Meeting with us?

If so, we are happy to meet with you!  
Write us your questions at the following email address: or book a FREE Meeting with Luc Plancke: