Why should you choose the LCA Quadrant Tool & EPDs of ENPERAS?


I am Tamar and I am happy that you came here and you are checking information about our team and services. It means that you are curious about how to integrate LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) in Building Materials and chemicals. I am also happy that I am working towards integrating sustainability in building materials and chemicals through communicating Enperas’s following services:

1. Customized LCA Quadrant Tool & EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations).

2. LCA Consultancy.

What makes our LCA & EPD services unique and different?

1. We fully digitalise the LCA expertise and deliver all our results and studies to be third party verified.

2. We are fully responsible for the primary data and annual updates as well as for the LCA modelling and calculation methodology applied.

In today's European market, companies rely on EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) certificates đź“‘ for securing market access, however to calculate Emissions of materials and products is extremely complicated for the following main reasons:

Reason 1: LCA knowledge is unleveraged, interpretations are too difficult, there are many unanswered market questions…

Reason 2: There exists different national legislations, national scenarios and you should figure out by which methodology you should calculate your products/materials environmental footprint…

Reason 3: LCA needs technical expertise, in-house LCA experts are expensive & can be ineffective…

Reason 4: LCA is time consuming, too static, limited to scope and impossible to benchmark.

All in all, LCA needs knowledge of International and European standards, methodologies, methods, systems, programs and knowledge of regulations even on the level of product materials and more…

To wrap up, if you would take one key-take away from Enperas  services, it would be - We help you to solve all the above mentioned LCA, regulations, EPDs related problems and we are here to help you making for your chemicals and building materials  ENvironmental PERformance ASsessment. (ENPERAS - that is why our company called Enperas).

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